Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hello, world

This is Hugh Fox!


daniel john said...

Nice to know about you.

Term papers

Publius said...

Hi, I just finished reading God's of the Cataclysm. Wish I had read it decades ago when I was in college. I have always had a desire to compare the various myths and religions to find the common thread. I was sure it was there because truth tends to be like that...persistent. I suspected that the same tensions between the created earth/mother/human sacrifice worship vs. the creator/Father/substitutiary sacrifice have been in play from the beginning of history. When Cain killed Able is was all about their respective sacrifices. Even in recent history many political philosophies advance the idea that it is OK to kill individuals if it is good for the community as a whole. Was it Karl Marx who said you have to break a few eggs if you are going to make an omelette? It is amazing how many eggs you can break and never get a decent omelette. Hitler believed that since humanity is evolving we have a mandate to weed the garden of humanity....each culture has different names and justification for its actions, but the end result is human sacrifice for the good of the community. If I ever get around to summarizing all the patterns, I would stand on the shoulders of your work. Also, I read recently some research by Isaac E. Mozeson / Edenics about the primary or first language with compelling proof that Hebrew is is the root/source/shoresh of many languages...probably all of them. Well, I ramble on...but just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed your book and wonder if there has been a follow up. Karen Dunning in Dallas TX